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Why you should choose SentinelOne over CrowdStrike

In the dynamic field of cybersecurity, choosing the right solution for your organisation's protection is critical. Recent events have underscored the importance of reliability and stability in cybersecurity tools.
On July 19, 2024, CrowdStrike experienced a significant outage caused by a faulty update, leading to widespread disruption across numerous industries. This incident has highlighted some critical concerns regarding CrowdStrike's reliability and the potential impact on businesses dependent on their services

The CrowdStrike Outage

The recent CrowdStrike outage was triggered by an update that caused Blue Screens of Death (BSOD) on millions of Windows machines globally. This catastrophic failure led to severe consequences, including grounded flights, offline news services, and impaired emergency call centers. Such a failure underscores the risks of depending on a single cybersecurity provider whose updates can inadvertently cripple an organisation's entire IT infrastructure

Why SentinelOne?

1. Proactive and Autonomous Threat Detection
SentinelOne offers an advanced, AI-driven platform that emphasizes autonomous threat detection and response. This capability ensures that threats are identified and mitigated in real-time without requiring manual intervention, significantly reducing response times and limiting potential damage from cyber incidents.

2. Stability and Reliability
SentinelOne's track record for stability and reliability makes it a safer choice. The recent CrowdStrike incident reveals the potential dangers of disruptive updates. In contrast, SentinelOne's robust testing and deployment processes minimise the risk of such occurrences, ensuring that your security remains uncompromised and your operations uninterrupted.

3. Comprehensive Protection
SentinelOne provides comprehensive protection across various endpoints, including Windows, macOS, and Linux environments. This multi-faceted approach ensures that all aspects of your IT infrastructure are protected, offering peace of mind and a stronger security posture.

4. Ease of Use
SentinelOne's platform is designed with user-friendliness in mind, providing intuitive interfaces and clear, actionable insights. This ease of use means that even organizations without extensive cybersecurity expertise can effectively manage and respond to threats.

5. Superior Customer Support
Effective and accessible customer support is critical during any cybersecurity incident. SentinelOne is known for its responsive and knowledgeable support team, which can provide timely assistance and guidance, ensuring that your organization can swiftly navigate and recover from any issues that arise.


In light of the recent CrowdStrike outage, businesses must reconsider their cybersecurity strategy to ensure resilience and uninterrupted protection. SentinelOne's autonomous threat detection, stability, comprehensive protection, user-friendly design, and superior support make it a compelling alternative. By choosing SentinelOne, organisations can safeguard their operations against the kind of disruption recently seen with CrowdStrike, ensuring a more secure and reliable cybersecurity environment.

Next Steps? 

If you have read the above article and are looking to take the next step towards implementing SentinelOne in your small business then please get in touch with our team of experts today who will be able to discuss your specific requirements. 

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