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Microsoft Power Virtual Agents enables you to build bots that can help to answer questions or queries from your customers, employees, or viewers of your website. These powerful chatbots make use of built-in content building blocks, trigger phrases as well as pre-authored bot conversations to ensure that your business stays connected in real time.
Power Virtual Agents are included with the Microsoft Power Platform which also includes Microsoft Power Automate, Microsoft Power BI and Microsoft Power Apps. Furthermore, these Power Virtual Agents provide users with the capabilities to build adaptable AI chatbots which can made use of for both employees and customer benefit.
Easy to build
You can simply create and manage your own powerful chatbots without needing code or artificial intelligence expertise through the built-in graphical interface.
Fully adaptable
You are able to easily integrate your chatbots into your everyday business activities. The hundreds of prebuilt connectors are at your disposal to help you use Power Automate to construct custom workflows for your everyday services or products.
As Power Virtual Agents is a relatively new tool, therefore the levels of expertise and knowledge are limited with users relatively small, however the potential benefits can outweigh the negatives for organisations that are earlier adopters of this relatively new tool. Here at Advantage, we’ve got a number of Dynamics 365 experts who specialise in the Microsoft Power Platform who are on hand to help you to get started.
Despite having an easy-to-follow interface, your business will still need expert guidance when using tools such as these to make sure that all the processes constructed allow your business to take advantage of the whole range of features. To build your understanding of this tool and its best features and capabilities please contact our team of experts today.