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Which direction is Dynamics GP heading past 2024 and beyond?

As some of you may or may not be aware of rumours circulating around Microsoft stating that they are not planning to support GP past 2025 as well as this, we are also getting countless emails from our current Dynamics GP client base voicing their concerns around the future of Dynamics GP and potentially being forced to move off the platform.  

Well as a Microsoft Gold partner, we can confirm that the above rumours are completely false and could be being used by other partners to scare GP clients into making decisions they don’t need to make. 

In our latest blog article, we will discuss exactly the direction that Microsoft is going with Dynamics GP past 2024 and beyond. 

So, what exactly is Microsoft saying? 

  • Microsoft is wholeheartedly focused on its Cloud-based subscription ERP products and will continue to invest more in improving and marketing these applications over the on-premise equivalents. 
  • If you didn’t already know Microsoft released a roadmap stating that they will continue to support and develop Dynamics GP until at least 2028
  • Microsoft is keen to get their customers to spend more money so this is why they are increasing their prices slightly. 
  • Microsoft is likely to stop offering support for Dynamics GP at some point, but they haven’t even said when that is as of yet. 

So, what is happening with Dynamics GP at the moment? 

Microsoft is trying to encourage businesses to make the move over to Business Central whether that be on-premises or the Cloud version. 

What is their approach in helping work towards this? 

  • Microsoft announced that by April 2025 they would no longer be selling GP perpetual licenses. This means that there will be no more new GP implementations going forwards apart from just licenses. 
  • Microsoft revealed that by April 2026 that they would be completely stopping new sales of GP subscriptions. 
  • As of October 2023, Microsoft have done the following: 
    • Increasing the cost of subscription and foreign country perpetual license sales. 
    • Increasing the cost of both Enhancement and Advantage Plans. 

So, how will the above impact on your business? 

  • Right now, it won't impact on your business at all. You will find that both your Enhancement and Advantage plans will be increasing in price by 1%. It is important to note that Dynamics GP is a fantastic and robust product with over 30,000 customers. If you have been using it for years, then there is no reason why you shouldn’t continue to do this. 
  • 2-3 years' time – Microsoft will be halting all new sales of on-premises products. If you decide to start a new business or startup, there may be a chance that you aren’t able to add this new business to Dynamics GP on-prem. However, this is no problem if you are an existing customer as you are able to add both modules as well as new users. 
  • 5 years' time – The Dynamics GP roadmap will still continue to both develop and support customers until at least 2028. 

So, what is Advantage’s message to Dynamics GP customers? 

First of all, it is important not to panic as there is no need to. However, it might be worth planning to decide what your business wants to achieve both in the short and long term, which will give you enough time to decide if you wish to move to another Microsoft product. 

The options that Advantage has currently for Dynamics GP customers: 

Next Steps? 

If you are a business that is currently using Dynamics GP and wants to discuss any of the above options, then please do speak to our Microsoft Dynamics experts now about your requirements now and in the future. 

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