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Important Setup Information to Ensure the Correct Report is Submitted to HMRC
We have had quite a number of support calls recently, relating to VAT Daybook report amendments and specifically the problem caused when a new report has not been specified at the default for the Audit Trail Report, being the one submitted to HMRC. So, what is happening, is that people run draft reports using the new layout but then accidentally submit the old layout, without the amendments, as the new layout hasn’t been changed to the default for VAT Reporting. And all it takes is the mark a tick box. A small change but highly significant!
So, we thought it would be helpful to give a quick reminder on how to do this, as the fix is really time consuming to get the correct figures reported for you and worse still, the fix itself has future implications on subsequent reports which then also have to be resolved. All of this basically, a huge, but avoidable, inconvenience and a time-consuming task at a point which is always going to be time critical to you.
Please note: As a general word of advice: VAT Daybooks provides ‘Draft Reports’ which replicate the Audit Trail reports used for submission, and we strongly recommend these are run at least monthly, to iron out any issues well before the VAT quarter, which is, of course, the time you least need to find problems, when you are under pressure of submission before the HMRC deadlines.
How to make your new VAT Daybook report the Default for VAT Submission
If a VAT report has had an Audit Trail printed from it, you will no longer be able to edit the Tax Details assigned to each VAT Column (ie VAT box on the VAT 100), so the easiest thing to do is to use the Copy Function from the VAT Daybooks Reports Screen (Administration/Cards/System/VAT Daybook Reports)
Once you have selected the Copy function to open the Copy screen, select the old Report ID you want to copy, enter the name of the new Report ID. Select the Country Code (Same as the Old eg GB) and Save.
Select the new report again in the above screen and then the important bit …. Marked the tick box to enable ‘Default on VAT Viewer’ and this will ensure that this new report will be the one from which the VAT Daybook Audit Report is created.
Editing the Report
You can now edit the new report’s columns and here’s a recap on this.
Drill down on the Column Code to open-up the VAT Daybook Columns Code Setup screen. Select the Column you want to amend and add or remove Tax Details, as needed. Save the Columns as you go and then Save the VAT Daybook.
Test the new report by running it as a draft report, in the normal, way to ensure any new rates added are now included in the correct boxes. Never run the Audit Trail of the new report until fully tested.
ABS would recommend that you seek advice from your Tax Advisers on the positioning of the Tax Details in the Correct VAT Boxes.
Import/Export Functions in the VAT Daybook Report Setup
If you have multiple companies requiring the same VAT Return setup, use the Export button in the VAT Daybook Report Setup screen to export the report settings in a file to the network. In the other companies you can then import the settings from the same screen. Don’t forget to mark the new reports as Default On VAT Viewer!
Next Steps?
If you are having problems completing the above process then please get in touch with one of our Dynamics GP team today so we can help guide you through the process.
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